It can be tough to find the time to spend marketing your business when you are flat out on the tools. You may not even know where to start. Don’t worry – we’ve got you covered!
Strong customer relationships are key. Tradies need to be visible where it counts. When a customer needs a tradie, it’s often for a job that needs to be completed in a hurry, so you need to make sure your target audience knows you, trusts you, and can instantly find your business.
Ask for a review
Online reviews are a great way to improve your search results on Google. Even if a potential customer doesn’t read the actual review, the yellow stars make an impact. When you finish a job, ask your client to leave a review on Google or Facebook or send them a request for a review when you email them your invoice. Did you know that you can automate the reviews process? Smart Reviews can send out a personalised request for reviews via email or SMS and feature your top-rated reviews on your website and other marketing material.
Send unconverted clients a follow-up email
Post on your social media
Reply to comments on your social media
Join local Facebook groups
Give LinkedIn a crack
If you don’t have a LinkedIn profile, it’s easy to set one up. Keep it up to date and look for new connections that may generate leads.
Start flashing your business cards
Fire up your digital marketing strategy
Your business needs to be front and centre of search results where local customers search online for a business like yours. Have a chat with a digital marketing specialist about a strategy that will boost your online presence and ensure that your website is found pronto.
The good news is that partnering with a rockstar digital marketing agency like Wolf IQ can take care of the heavy lifting for you and set you up for success, so you can focus on doing what you do best. While you are busy providing outstanding service to your customers, our team can automate and remarket your 5-star reviews, spruce up your website, send follow-up newsletters to potential clients and make sure you show up on page one of local Google searches. Sound good? Reach out today!